Doom Inspired Level

Many of my level designs before this project have been geared towards 3rd-person experiences, so for this design I wanted to capture the flow and excitement of the push-forward style design of the newer Doom games! My end design consisted of two spaces: a linear path with minor platforming; and an arena style combat. I focused on having a detailed whitebox while using some asset packs for background elements to not distract from the core design with too much set dressing.



Level Layout/Documentation, Whiteboxing, Gameplay Implementation, Playtesting, Reiteration, Lighting, Optimization


Photoshop, Maya, UE4, Blueprints

Asset Packs:

Infinity Blade Fire Lands, FPS Game Starter Kit

 Control Feel

Before I even started whiteboxing, I wanted to ensure I got the control feel down to feel fast-paced and deliberate in its movement. In a basic testing space I started by modifying the basic first-person controller, focusing on move speed and air control when jumping, as well as adding a double jump. Another important aspect of the control feel is the lack of needing to reload, keeping the player in the action and moving forward. As I began working on my layout I did my best to ensure that every few seconds the player has at least two directions to split, if not more, accentuating the push forward design philosophy!